# 学生专区 # 实用教程


post by Hong Yuan

by Hong Yuan

Mar 20, 2024
发布于 1:13 PM



嗨嗨友友们!最近SPM考试刚过完hor,发现很多SPM考生们都很对各种part time job都很有兴趣呢,可是你们是否因为只有SPM文凭所以不会写简历而在烦恼着勒?小编也收到很多私信询问,到底一位SPM毕业生,如何用有限的经验和知识写好一篇简历呢?其实呢,办法很简单!今天带你揭秘“有料”的简历!曝光SPM考生的逆袭秘籍!包你3天内找到工作!(附英文简历模版)



1. 个人简介

姓名: Lim Xiao Ming


联系方式: +6012-3456789 | [email protected]

居住地区:Jalan Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur

自我介绍:I am a Malaysian Chinese residing in Kuala Lumpur. I possess good communication skills and a strong team spirit. Eager to showcase my talents and grow together with a team in the workplace.


2. 教育背景

SPM文凭,Seri Puteri School

中学毕业证书,Seri Puteri School

(可以把证书的file link在以上文字)


3. 经验

  • Soft Skills:

Excellent Communication Skills: I led the organization of a campus cleaning activity as a leader, primarily responsible for communicating with classmates to complete the task.

Teamwork: Participated in organizing a charity sale event with a team in a school club. We raised RM5000 in donations.

Strong Adaptability: Participated in an off-campus Boy Scouts activity. Despite being unfamiliar, I quickly adapted to the environment and made friends with outstanding scouts from other schools.

Time Management: Despite participating in numerous extracurricular activities, I effectively managed my time and balanced my academic workload.


  • Hard Skills:

Microsoft Office: Proficient in using Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Presented a PowerPoint presentation at a school speech competition, showcasing my understanding of the topic and winning second place.

Social Media Management: Managed my school's Facebook Page, primarily focusing on publishing event information and attracting more student engagement. Within just 2 months, the page gained 1000 followers.


4. 兴趣爱好

Music: I play the guitar and have participated in school music competitions.

Sports: My favorite sports are basketball and soccer. I served as team captain in school and won three championships in off-campus competitions.


5. 参考内容

*SPM毕业生们!你们可以放上一些奖品的照片,奖状的例子。很细很像上面提到的power point slide 也可以attach在这里哦!












马上点击链接一键投简历!>> [Drop Resume]




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