How Do You Cope with Annoying Co-Workers?
# Lifestyle # Life Hack # Job Tips

How Do You Cope with Annoying Co-Workers?

post by Lyanne

by Lyanne

Oct 7, 2020
at 5:47 PM

Most people you meet at your office are friendly, considerate and caring. They are polite, helpful, and they genuinely care about others. 

There are also people out there who are inconsiderate and annoying, but they are a minority. The only reason why it feels like there are many thoughtless people is that we tend to let them get into our heads, making them more significant than their numbers. 

How do you deal with annoying people at the office?

If it is outside of work, we can walk away. But at work, we can't just walk away. It's best to stay and resolve the issue ourselves.

man hands on ears woman megaphone
We need to smarten up before we deal with annoying people.

The best approach is to become less angry (sounds obvious, I know). If you can control your anger, you will experience greater peace of mind. This peace of mind will allow you to act decisively and constructively when you are treated poorly at work. You will also be immune to small annoyances. 

Now that we got that out of the way, here are a few tips that can help you become less annoyed at work:


1. If you stay calm, you will stop yourself from doing something you might regret. When you get angry, you tend to do something rash. But if you calm down, you are more likely to choose constructive actions.


2. If you always get mad, you will end up staying mad. The problem with always getting angry is that you will end up being angry all the time.


3. Staying calm will annoy those who want to annoy you. If the annoying coworker wants to annoy you, you should stay cool. Keeping it cool will truly annoy them because you deny them the satisfaction of getting you riled. They hate that.


4. Getting annoyed will not help you. You will end up harming yourself. 


5. The more you get angry, the less it will take for you to get angry. Getting angry will only make it easier to get mad the next time, which starts a cycle of anger.

6. Do not dream about getting revenge. If we always think about getting revenge on someone who has hurt us, we will never allow ourselves to heal. When we forgive others, we do it partly for our own sake so that we can heal and move on.


7. Getting annoyed will only make the memory stronger. When you experience things with intense emotion, you will always remember it. This is why some people can remember every detail of an incident a decade ago where some driver cut them off on the highway. The memory becomes so strong that it keeps coming back to annoy you for years.

man frustrated
It's not worth spending your energy and time towards those who annoy you.

8. Don't get mad, instead feel sorry for them. Annoying people are often jerks because they feel bad themselves. It will only be a waste of time to hate them.


9. What if it's your fault? Then you'll make the problem even worse.  Imagine getting mad and turns out it's your fault. You'll end up looking silly.


10. 99% of the time, It's not about you. Most jerks you will meet are not out to get you. They treat everyone that way. 


11. It could be unintentional! Maybe they don't know they're annoying you. There's always a chance for that.


12. Even if you're right, getting angry makes you look bad. You'll end up looking silly, petty or unreasonable.


13. Don't get mad, just laugh it off instead. Most jerks' behaviour is annoying, yes, but if you genuinely look at it, it's mostly pathetic and ridiculous. 


14. What if it's a projection? We might feel annoyed because other people are showing the same flaws that we fear we have ourselves. If a coworker frankly annoys you, maybe they are just making you think about some weak sides you would rather not admit you have.


You should not put up with behaviour that annoys you. But this is not about keeping your head down and never complaining about others' mistakes. What matters is not getting angry over annoying people, because getting angry is rarely good for you. In most situations, keeping your cool is better for you, and delivers better results.