7P's of Success
# Lifestyle

7P's of Success

post by David Blog

by David Blog

Oct 24, 2019
at 2:47 PM

All of us have dreams and goals, but many of us fail to fight hard enough to achieve that. With that in mind, we are providing you 7P’s to practice so you can achieve your success!


1. Passionate: 

You need to be very invested and interested in what you want to do. 

  • You need to make sure that you can do it better and easier than other people.

  • Remember that your goal is your aspiration and inspiration.


    2. Positive mindset:

     A positive mental attitude is a must have to realize your objectives. 

  • You must look at things on the bright side and work diligently towards your goals.


    3. Practical: 

    Think about your goals and ask…

    Is it achievable? 

  • Is it useful to yourself and others? 

  • Your goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound. 

  • When you have many goals, remember to set a priority for each goal and work accordingly so that you are not overwhelmed.


    4. Put in writing: 

    Writing your goals down is a powerful tool. 

  • It must be precise, clear and written in positive terms. 

  • It must also be very detailed for the tasks and for each stage and the completion dates. 

  • With written notes, you will be kept posted to do your daily tasks because you notice it every day.


    5. Plan: 

    You must set yearly, monthly, weekly and daily tasks. 

  • Your plan is your road map. You follow accordingly to get what you want in life.


    6. Pay the price: 

    A goal is not a goal when you can get something easily. It involves a lot of time and effort. It takes blood, sweat and tears to reach your goal.


    7. Perseverance: 

    Do not be discouraged by failures along the way. 

  • Look at failures and problems as valuable lessons to learn. There is no overnight success. It can take many years to achieve your goals.


    Your life will have meaning if you have goals. They provide direction and measure your success. You know what you are looking for and every day you strive to reach your objectives.