T*** Z** Y**'s avatar'
T*** Z** Y**11 months agoConfession


我在 2 年前加入现在的公司。刚加入时,上司都对我还好。 1 年前有个新人加入了,她因为比较新,所以上司花了比较多的时间来教她。她做的第一个项目,看似做得很好,就连老板也称赞她。问题是其实我在后面帮她收拾了不少残局,只是私底下跟她说了她的问题。 后来上司给了她另一个比较大的项目,就像是她全权负责。打从一开始我就要求我要加入他们的会议,可是上司以暂时还没到我的部分的理由来拒绝我的加入,最后当我面对顾客时,因为不知头,不知尾,每次和顾客见面都被骂。我反映了给我上司,他要就让我自己解决,不然就是说我能力不足。我要求他们告诉我他们之前做了什么,结果上司反问我需要知道什么。问题就是如果我完全不知道他们做过什么,我怎么问。 现在就算是到了我负责的部分,上司还是要她的加入。基本上的情况就是我可以不在,但她不能不在。每次他们做完了后,我尝试从她那里拿资料,问他们做过什么,她总是什么都不明白,我还不能去质疑她。 基本上我可以想到 2 种情况: 1. 我被冷落了 2. 他带了我一年,是时候让我独立了 想问下各位职场的上司们,你们怎么看?
Eugene Yap's avatar'
Eugene Yap11 months ago
Based on the described situation, it appears that you may have been sidelined in favor of the newer employee. It is important to have clear communication with your superiors and express your concerns about not being included in important meetings or projects. However, it is also possible that your boss is trying to challenge you to work independently and is giving the newer employee more responsibilities to see how you both perform. Either way, it is important to express your concerns and seek clarification from your boss. This will help ensure that you are able to contribute fully to the team and grow in your role.