Email 就只会写 “Please find attached” ?换个说法 ,更加直截了当!
# 实用教程 # 工作秘笈

Email 就只会写 “Please find attached” ?换个说法 ,更加直截了当!

post by Chloe Chan

by Chloe Chan

Jul 27, 2022
发布于 11:50 AM



打工族们是不是每一次写email发附件时都不知道该怎么写,还是只要有附件就一律用 “please find attached for your perusal” 打天下?

“Please find attached” 这句话虽然很容易看懂,但用法不够规范,因为一般来说,只有附件或邮件不见了,才需要收件人去“find”。其实写 email 发附件有很多种说法,不要再傻傻地把同一句话套在每一个 email 里了!


说法 1. Here is xxxxx 

浅白易懂,直接告诉对方“Here is the latest quotation……”。


说法 2. Attached + 名词(文件)

Please refer to the attached image.

Please see the attached PDF for more details.


说法  3. I've attached xxxxx

I've attached the updated pricing information for your reference.

说法  4. I am sharing xxxxx with you

I’m sharing the feedback from the team with you.


说法  5. Attached in this email is xxxxx

Attached in this email are the requested information.

说法  6. For reference, I've appended xxxxx

适用于提供额外资料作参考的时候,For reference, I’ve appended a client’s case study below.


说法  7. xxxxx is attached

The requested document is attached to this email.


当然,添加附件在 email 没有的说法没有固定的术语,还有很多种表达方式可以自由转换。不管你是不是刚步入职场,把这几种方法学起来准没错。



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