10 Tips on How to Use Your Internship to Launch Your Career
# Student Sector # Job Tips # Employer

10 Tips on How to Use Your Internship to Launch Your Career

post by Austin

by Austin

Nov 6, 2023
at 3:52 PM

1. Choose the right internship

  • Do: Research different internships and companies to find one aligned with your career goals and interests.
  • Don't: Settle for the first internship that comes your way. Take the time to find an internship that will allow you to learn and grow.

Accepting an internship that is not relevant to your career goals or that does not offer any opportunities to learn and grow.

Tip: Ask your career counsellor, professors, or alumni for internship recommendations.

2. Be proactive

  • Do: Take initiative and ask for assignments. Volunteer to help out on projects, even if they are outside of your job description.
  • Don't: Wait to be assigned tasks. Be proactive and show that you are eager to learn and contribute.

Sitting around and waiting for your supervisor to give you work. This will make you seem unmotivated and uninterested in the internship.

Tip: Take notes during meetings and conversations with your supervisor and colleagues. This will help you stay organized and show that you are engaged.

3. Be a team player

  • Do: Collaborate with your colleagues and help them out whenever possible. Be supportive and encouraging.
  • Don't: Be afraid to ask for help when you need it. No one expects you to know everything.

Being unwilling to help out your colleagues or being afraid to ask for help when needed. This can create a hostile work environment and make you seem difficult to work with.

Tip: Building solid relationships with colleagues outside work can enhance your internship experience. However, it's essential to maintain professional boundaries.

4. Network with professionals in your field.

  • Do: Attend industry events, connect with people on LinkedIn, and reach out to people you admire for informational interviews.
  • Don't: Be terrified to network with people who are more senior than you. Most people are happy to help out younger professionals.

Try not to be too shy or afraid to network with professionals in your field. This is an excellent opportunity to learn about different career paths, get advice, and find job opportunities.

Tip: follow up with people you meet at industry events or informational interviews. Send them a thank-you note and tell them you enjoyed meeting them.

5. Build your portfolio.

  • Do: Collect work samples, such as presentations, reports, and projects. You can use your portfolio to apply for jobs after your internship ends.
  • Don't: Just wait until the end of your internship to start building your portfolio. Start collecting samples of your work as soon as you start your internship.

Not having a portfolio to show potential employers after your internship ends. This can make it challenging to land a job.

Tip: Get feedback on your portfolio from your supervisor and other professionals. This feedback can help you improve your portfolio and make it more competitive.

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6. Get feedback from your supervisor.

  • Do: Ask your supervisor for feedback on your performance regularly. This feedback can help you identify areas to improve and develop your skills.
  • Don't: Be scared to ask for feedback. Your supervisor is there to help you succeed.

Not asking for feedback from your supervisor. This can make it difficult to improve your performance and may lead to negative consequences at the end of your internship.

Reminder! Be sure to implement the feedback that your supervisor gives you. This shows that you are committed to learning and growing.

7. Follow up after your internship.

  • Do: Send a thank-you note to your supervisor and other professionals you met during your internship. Tell them you enjoyed your internship and want to stay in touch. You can also connect with them on LinkedIn.
  • Don't: Just disappear after your internship ends. Be sure to follow up with your supervisor and other professionals. This will help you stay on their radar and open doors to future job opportunities.

Not following up with your supervisor and other professionals after your internship ends. This can make you seem unprofessional and ungrateful.

Career tip: Ask your supervisor for a reference letter. This can be helpful when applying for jobs after your internship ends.

8. Be yourself.

  • Do: Be authentic and genuine. Don't try to be someone you're not.
  • Don't: Put on a fake persona. People will be able to tell if you're being genuine.

Question 1: What should I do if I'm not sure what career path to pursue?

Answer: If you're not sure what career path to pursue, your internship can be a great way to explore different options. Talk to your supervisor and other professionals you meet during your internship about their career paths and how they got to where they are today. You can also ask them for advice on how to choose a career path.

Question 2: What if I don't want to pursue a career in the same field as my internship?

Answer: Even if you don't want to pursue a career in the same field as your internship, you can still gain valuable skills and experience from your internship. For example, you can learn how to work in a professional environment, how to manage your time effectively, and how to communicate with colleagues and clients. These skills are transferable to any career field.

Question 3: How can I use my internship to learn about different company cultures?

Answer: To learn about different company cultures, pay attention to the way employees interact with each other and with customers. Observe the company's values and mission statement. Ask questions about the company's history and its goals for the future. You can also participate in company events and social activities to get a better sense of the company culture.

Question 4: How can I use my internship to develop my soft skills?

Answer: Soft skills are personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people. Some examples of soft skills include communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership. You can develop your soft skills during your internship by interacting with your supervisor, colleagues, and clients. Be sure to listen actively, ask questions, and be helpful and supportive.

Question 5: How can I make a good impression on my internship supervisor?

Answer: To make a good impression on your internship supervisor, be reliable, punctual, and professional. Be proactive and take initiative. Be eager to learn and grow. Ask questions and be willing to help out wherever needed. Be respectful and courteous to your supervisor and other professionals you meet during your internship.

Written by Siti Khairina Mohd Fikri