The Best And Biggest Way To Let Your Brain Think More
# Life Hack

The Best And Biggest Way To Let Your Brain Think More

post by David Blog

by David Blog

Nov 3, 2019
at 2:29 PM

Did you know studies shows that for every deep thinker, in order to really get down to their thoughts and innovate, they all need one thing. Silence. The busier you are and the more you need to think, the more silent time you need. With silence, you allow your mind to truly flow and think outside the box without any forms of distractions. Many deep thinkers instinctively do this, including J.K. Rowling when she was trying to write the Harry Potter books. So, in order for you to really think, you need a lot of silence, but how do we get that in our loud society today? Well here are 4 tips on how to find peace in silence so you can really think.


Image result for brain expanding meme

Have A Mini Meditation Before Meetings

If you’re able to close the office door, go to a park bench, or find another quiet hideaway, it’s possible to help yourself reset by engaging in a silent practice of meditation or reflection.


Explore Nature 

You  don’t need to be an outdoorsy type person to let go of your phone and go for a walk in nature.

  • In our own experiences and many of our customers, being within nature can be the best option to improve your creative thinking capabilities.

  • Many thinkers “go out for a walk” because of this reason.


    Don’t Consume So Much Media

    Turn off your email for several hours or even a full day, or try to ignore all forms of technology like your phone and computer. 

  • While there may still be plenty of noise around—family, conversation, city sounds—you can enjoy real benefits by resting the parts of your mind associated with unending work obligations and tracking social media or current events.


    Try A Meditation Retreat

    Even a short retreat is one of the most straightforward way to tune in deeper into your brain and gain insight

  • You can mentally detox yourself. Settle your brain, and let it explore its own self.


    The world is getting louder.  But silence is still accessible—it just takes commitment and creativity to cultivate it.