6 Ways To Keep Your Productivity In Tiptop Condition
# Student Sector # Life Hack # Job Tips

6 Ways To Keep Your Productivity In Tiptop Condition

post by David Blog

by David Blog

Oct 15, 2019
at 11:47 AM

Image result for productivity

1. Take a break.

We try to focus on the biggest task that needs to be accomplished, but if it’s not going as planned, you’re best off not spending too much time on it. Stop that process, take a step back, regain momentum, then start again.


2. Dive in.

When it boils down to it, you just have to jump right in and do it. The earlier you start the earlier you can finish your task and jump on to something else.


3. Think small.

Focus on small arrangements. Do tasks that have a clear beginning and end and is easy to check off on a to-do list. Finishing even the smallest of jobs helps you clear your head and your day. 


4. Breathe deep.

Focus on your breathing and bring yourself back to a head space where you are able to accomplish the task at hand. Listening to music may also get you into the zone.


5. Go with the flow.

Unproductive days have historically been frustrating -- until you realized that these are the times when your brain is unconsciously cooking up my next idea! Instead of being annoyed at your lack of concentration, let your thoughts wander and try to feed your brain with new and exciting inputs. Trust your brain, it knows what it needs to do.


6. Look to the past. 

When you’re feeling unproductive, go back to old notes and brainstorm moments that you have kept throughout the years. Some are inspirational today, others are a laugh or a success point. They will motivate you to keep going forward.