9 Signs That You May Be Toxic And Entitled!
# Lifestyle # Job Tips

9 Signs That You May Be Toxic And Entitled!

post by David Blog

by David Blog

Oct 1, 2019
at 11:43 AM

Do you know what entitlement is? Entitlement is when someone thinks they are better than other people, and the world owes them a favor. Even if you don’t know what it is, you might have suffered because of entitled people before. A lot of us don’t like entitled people because it’s just uncomfortable to hang out with them. However, not a lot of us can detect that maybe we ourselves are entitled, so here are signs that you may be an entitled person!

Here’s an example of an entitled person.

Text - 18:52 hey that you baked a cake for your team on his birthday. its my birthday next week, can you bake me a cake and bring it to the office? its free right? i heard from yes I baked it for him because in our team we usually Hi pool money to buy a cake or someone volunteers to make it for them instead Are you sure you want me to bake it? I've never spoken to anyone on your side of the office and I don't know if it would make any sense if came to give it to you and your team hahaChocolate - i was gonna buy a cake to but its free to ask you to make it, so can you do this cake, on monday bring it to my desk at two and ill just give it to everyone so its not awkard for you to talk to my peopleText - its ferrero rochers and lindt truffles and stuff but you can just count the cost as my birthday gift lol I can make you box cake or cookies? wtf? ur joking right lolText - No I'm really sorry but the fact that you just want me to make this cake and deliver it to your desk so you can present it as your own contribution makes no sense to me. Also, I'm going to be kind of busy this weekend dogsitting I think maybe it's best for you order a cake so you know it'll be up to your standards or something Seen u think i have the money for that? please!!! youre my coworker. its my birthday. i want this cakeText - Sorry, I really can't. See you tomorrow im going to avoid you in the office from now on, and tell everyone how you really are. watch your back, HR might want a word with you soon


Set Unrealistic Expectations On People

Self-entitled people will always find themselves superior to others.

  • You expect everyone to kowtow to you, and you tend to act violently when they don’t.

  • This superiority complex gives you the notion that “you deserve” things. You believe that you are entitled to their attention and efforts, and find ways to punish them when reality proves you otherwise.

  • But actually, your habit of setting unrealistic expectations is caused by unmet past expectations from your parents or your superiors.


    Always Asserting Dominance/Superiority

    Feelings of entitlement often come as a side-effect of deep seated insecurity.

  • If you dig deep down into a self-entitled person, instead of high self-esteem, you’ll see someone who actually feels inadequate.

  • To prevent feelings of insecurity from actually surfacing, entitled people will find ways to assert their dominance over others. They do this to compensate for their lack of confidence. They don’t feel good about themselves, so they try to look dominant.

  • Narcissistic individuals find it hard to collaborate because they are focused on amplifying their strengths while undermining everyone else’s.


    You Think You Are Better Than Others

    There’s a fine line that separates self-confidence and entitlement.

  • Entitled individuals think that they deserve respect from peers, colleagues, and even superiors, no matter what happens. Even if they don’t deserve it.

  • Self-entitled people have something in between a healthy belief that they deserve things to extreme and “malignant self-love” and “full-blown narcissism.”

  • You believe that your superiority protects you from most consequences and this encourages you to act haphazardly against co-workers and loved ones.


    You Don’t Have A Lot Of Friends

    This one is a pretty strong indicator that you have a personality problem.

  • People who radiate negativity and have entitlement will deter any good, positive people from their lives.

  • Perhaps you won’t find it difficult to attract people. Some may even find your confidence attractive at first. But over time, the negative manifestations of your entitlement shines through, and you end up pushing people away from you instead.

  • Are you having trouble maintaining meaningful relationships with friends and romantic partners? Do you have difficult and strained relationships with family members?

  • Your lack of genuine, intimate relationships can be a good indication that you’re entitled.


    You Think Your Needs Must Always Come First

    When it comes to fulfilling needs, you think that yours should always come first, no matter the situation.

  • You often find yourself saying, “f*ck them,” because your interests always comes first. You’re not even afraid of the consequences. Even if it means losing important people or opportunities. Being considerate comes second to getting what you need.

  • You don’t care if someone is experiencing a bad week or is undergoing through an emotional stage in their lives. You’re not able to see other people’s suffering, because you’re blinded by your own interests.

  • You will demand that your needs, although not as urgent as someone else’s, be put above all else.


    You Don’t Compromise

    Whether it’s deciding simple things like where to eat or what movie to watch to making life-changing choices, you tend to find a way to have your way with people.

  • Do people find you pushy in this sense? Have you been told you’re too proud and unwilling to bend to anyone else’s wants or opinions?

  • You’ll find that most people find it challenging to talk to you because they know negotiating with you is like talking to a brick wall. This can manifest negatively to your work, and you may have trouble forming friendly, if not, civil relationships with your co-workers.


    You Take Relationships For Granted

    The people around you don’t feel like people. Instead, you look at them and treat them as objects that you can manipulate and use.

  • You tend to be attracted to people who can give you something. And once they no longer serve you purpose, you cut them off.

  • You gauge relationships according to how much value and use you’ll suck out from them.

  • But when it comes to asking you for favors, you never have any inclinations to help people unless it benefits you in some way. You are simply not capable of reciprocity.


    You Treat Everyone Around You As Competition

    Self-entitlement will inevitably manifest itself in toxic powerplay.

  • Because you recognize that your needs, thoughts, and feelings take precedence over others’, you strive to maintain this position by ensuring that people know who’s the boss.

  • This mentality means you are not capable of taking directions. You resent having to follow instructions and don’t like it when you’re made to feel inferior.

  • You are deeply suspicious of individuals outside of your comfort zone, and naturally so, because you are paranoid that they are trying to “usurp” your position.


    You Create Drama

    Everything revolves around you.

  • When things don’t go according to plan, when you feel even the smallest inconvenience, you tend to stir the pot and cause drama.

  • You tend to rebel against other people if things don’t go your way and harbor self-pity that manifests in destructive and attention-seeking demeanor.



    If you noticed more than 6 of these signs are prevalent in you, well….