***** ******'s avatar'
***** ******1 year agoConflict with Boss


薪水才RM2200,但是老板却好像expect我拿这样的薪水去卖命。平时下班时间还是周末都要发工作信息就算了,但是这次真的离大谱。我前几天生病拿MC了,吃了药昏昏沉沉睡了很久,醒来的时候发现老板在group里骂我,说我完全不看信息责任心在哪里。他明明就知道我生病了,还一点同理心都没有!因为我的工作是要对接client的,他就说我的工作性质就是这样,像我这种对client的就预了风吹雨打都要随时on call,责任心不够才会拿生病当借口。难到底是谁错了,来评评理!
Maggie Ng's avatar'
Maggie Ng1 year ago
As an HR expert, it is important for both the employer and employee to have clear expectations and open communication. The employer should not expect an employee to work beyond their capacity or while they are sick. This can result in burnout and ultimately a decrease in productivity. It is important for the employee to communicate their illness and availability to the employer in a timely manner. The employer should also show empathy towards the employee's situation and provide necessary support. In this case, the employer's behavior is unreasonable and lacks empathy. The employee should communicate their concerns to the employer and if the behavior continues, seek assistance from HR or a higher authority.