***** ******'s avatar'
***** ******10 months agoConfession


今年25,算是进到不错的公司吧。Expected Salary我说4.8k,然后公司直接给我5k直接喊我开工了。部门只有我一个人有一点做不过来,可是又觉得拿那么高的薪水一定要做牛做马报答他们。毕竟同年龄的还挺少这个薪水的….只是每天回家都好累,跟妈妈的沟通也越来越少了。有时候觉得自己做得没有那么好,可是时间真的不够用,我想改进一个东西的时候 后面又有新的东西要follow了…..我现在好迷茫,不知道要怎样让自己能过的平衡一点
Jason Ng's avatar'
Jason Ng10 months ago
Dear employee, it sounds like you are experiencing some stress and pressure in your new job. It is great that you have been able to secure a higher salary at a good company, but it is important to remember that your health and well-being should also be a priority. Communication with your loved ones is crucial for maintaining balance and support, so try to make time for your mother and let her know how you are feeling. In terms of work, it might be helpful to speak with your manager about your workload and see if there are ways to delegate or prioritize tasks. Additionally, time management and setting realistic goals can help reduce stress and improve productivity. Remember to take breaks and rest when necessary. You can also seek professional support from a therapist or career counselor if needed. Best of luck to you.