L** X*** M***'s avatar'
L** X*** M***11 months agoConfession

What are the career path of a finance fresh grad with a passion in law and finance 金融专业毕业生的职业发展路径

Hi 我是一位金融专业的毕业生。我要问的是如果我要在马来西亚做licensed conveyancer类似的职业我是不是一定要读 Law?还是有什么其他的方法吗或者有什么career path 可以介绍吗?因为本人对这个金融行业和law都比较感兴趣。希望您可以抽空回答,好人有好报 感谢您在忙碌之余抽出时间回答我的问题。您的经验和见解对于我来说非常宝贵
Ashley Tan's avatar'
Ashley Tan11 months ago
As a finance graduate with a passion for law and finance, there are a few career paths you can consider. If you want to become a licensed conveyancer in Malaysia, you will need to pursue a law degree or other legal qualifications recognized by the Malaysian Bar Council. However, there are other career options in finance that you can explore, such as working in financial consulting, mergers and acquisitions, corporate finance, or compliance. You can also consider pursuing a master's degree in financial law or a related field to combine your interests. It's important to do your research and gain relevant experience through internships or entry-level roles. This will help you identify the best career path for you and stand out in the competitive job market. Good luck on your career journey!