How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others
# Lifestyle # Life Hack

How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

post by David Blog

by David Blog

Nov 11, 2019
at 12:01 PM

In our current culture and society, we are pressured with being compared to others all the time. Since we were young, our parents and teachers compared us to other students, now even at our workplace, we are being compared to other colleagues.

People think this is beneficial, but in reality, it actually harms us in a way. Yes, comparison can be a great motivator, but the way it is done these days makes people feel like they are never good enough.

At the end of the day, because of this mentality that has been taught to us since young, we also start comparing ourselves to others. Think about it, when was the last time you saw someone on instagram, or someone with a nice car and felt jealous or bad about yourself? Likewise, when was the last time you saw someone and thought “hmph, my life better than him!”

Because of this mentality, we are always trying to chase other people, being unhappy with ourselves, and sometimes put other people down because we think we are better than them. Negative comparison with others kills your enjoyment in life. Instead of trying to compare negatively, we are sharing some tips on how to break out of this mindset and become an even better person!


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1. Know and avoid your “triggers.”

Start by catching the times you are comparing yourself with others, take in mind…

What are you doing, are you on social media?

  • What kind of activities are you comparing, is it lifestyle, or work?

  • Why are you comparing, and why do you feel that way?

  • List out these questions and problems, and figure out how each of it negatively affects you, and why it is a waste of time.

  • The next time it happens, catch yourself and remind yourself of the conclusions you came up with.

  • Avoid comparing to other people if it does not add any value or meaning to your life.


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    2. Know that the grass is always greener on the other side

    You must always keep in mind that other people’s lives may look beautiful on the outside, but you don’t know what is going on inside of them.

  • People will carefully make their social media presence look as flawless as possible, which is vastly different from the lives that they may face in reality.

  • If you ever feel jealous about someone, think that they are human too, and every human has their own problems to face, nobody is perfect.


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    3. Know that money cannot buy happiness.

    It is known that the more wealth you have the better life you will live eg nicer car, nicer house.

  • But know that even with bigger better things, that doesn’t necessarily bring you happiness into your life.

  • Money and materials bring temporary joy, they cannot provide true long lasting happiness.


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    4. Practice gratitude, be grateful for what you have, but never stop striving for more.

    If you are grateful for what you already have, you will be happy and content with your life.

  • However, do not forget to always still be motivated to achieve even better results, but don’t beat yourself up about where you are now.

  • Be happy with who you are, be motivated that you can do even better!

  • If you are jealous or feeling negative, stop and remind yourself how good you have it right now. 


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    5. Use positive comparison to improve yourself.

    Comparison will always be a part of us, but we can use it to our advantage.

  • Compare yourself with yourself, today I did great, tomorrow let’s try even better.

  • Compare yourself with others in a positive way, eg…

    Wanting to be like someone you admire

  • Seeing how great someone is and think that if they can do it you can too!

  • See the beauty in other people that make a difference in your life and the world, and motivate yourself to be like that.

  • Be inspired by others, and always strive to be better than who you were yesterday.


    Imagine if you could use this negative reaction built into us, and convert it into a healthy form of motivation for you to strive better in life. Be happy, content and steady in your life. Instead of making yourself feel bad for being just you, use it as a motivation to keep building yourself up to be an even better person!