Auspicious Day 2023 for Recommencing Work After CNY
# Life Hack

Auspicious Day 2023 for Recommencing Work After CNY

post by Chloe Chan

by Chloe Chan

Jan 15, 2023
at 6:39 PM

Auspicious day can be favourable when it comes to significant rituals or events like marriages, the first day of work, grand openings of businesses, and other life milestones. These dates are frequently chosen using astrological calculations and are said to bring luck and favourable results. Auspicious dates are often used in societies where astrology and feng shui have a long history, such as in Chinese cultures.

Auspicious date to start work

Auspicious dates for recommencing work in 2023 will depend on the culture and tradition you are following and the specific details of the work you are planning to do. In Chinese culture, auspicious dates for starting work are determined based on the Chinese almanac, also known as the Tung Shing. It considers factors such as the day of the week, the phase of the moon, and the position of the stars and planets. According to Master Ken Koh of the House of Feng Shui, the following are the auspicious dates to begin work in 2023 after the Chinese New Year in the Year of the Water Rabbit.

auspicious dates 2023

As traditional as it is to choose auspicious dates for significant life events like a wedding or a move to a new home, a suitable date to begin a new work after the new year signifies a prosperous beginning to the year that will hopefully be filled with success and fulfilment, considerable thought is devoted to the day's energies, ensuring that it is not a breaker day and that it does not conflict with the observer.

                        auspicious dates

These are the necessary steps to complete the act, whether you start working from home or returning to the office.

Working from home

  1. Obeying specific dates & time
  2. Dressing up
  3. Clearing a workspace
  4. Having coffee or tea with a new year's gift
  5. Making a business call
  6. Sending out a business proposition through email
  7. Making a conference call

Returning to the office

  1. Obeying specific dates & time
  2. Setting up fresh flowers/plants/pair of oranges
  3. Putting on background music
  4. Having coffee or tea with a new year's gift
  5. Making a business call
  6. Making a conference call
  7. Sending out a business proposition through email
  8. Scheduling a meeting/business lunch

Best office Feng Shui practices

Here are some of the best office feng shui practices that can be applied to the design and layout of an office to create a harmonious and productive environment. Some of the best office feng shui tips include:

  • Positioning the desk: The desk should be placed in the "command position," facing the door but not directly in line with it. This allows the person sitting at the desk to see who is coming in and out of the office and represents a position of power and control.
  • Lighting: Adequate lighting is vital for both physical and mental well-being. Natural light is preferred, but if that is not possible, ensure the lighting is bright and even.
  • Use of plants: Plants bring life and energy to a space and can help to purify the air and improve concentration.
  • Use of colours: Certain colours are believed to have specific effects on energy. For example, blue and green are said to promote calm and focus. At the same time, red and orange are believed to stimulate energy and creativity.
  • Clutter-free: A cluttered space is believed to create confusion and inhibit energy flow. Keeping the office clean, organized, and free of unnecessary items is important.
  • Proper positioning of office equipment: Position the computer monitor so that it does not reflect on the face of the person working on it.
  • Personalize the space: Add personal items like photographs, artwork, and other things that have sentimental value to you.


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